Една недела до „Share Skopje“

За една недела во Македонската филхармонија ќе се оддржи по втор пат, интернационалниот форум за архитектура и инженерство, Share Skopje.

На истиот ќе говорат повеќе од 25 домашни и интернационални имиња од професионалната сцена, за архитектонските случувања, трендовите и актуелните теми во индустријата.

Овогодинешното издание на настанот ќе вклучи во себе три панел дискусии на темa

  • Skopje Tomorrow b Large Scale Projects
  • Architecture + Facades
  • Special Guest Lecture

Настанот цели да собере на едно место повеќе од 250 архитекти, пејсажни архитекти, дизајнери, инженери, урбанисти, агенции за продажба на имот и компании со иновативни решенија во полето на градежништвото, како и останатите.

Со оглед на интернационалниот карактер на форумот, заинтересираните подетално можат да прочитаат во оригиналната форма од официјалната нет страна во продолжение>>>>

WELCOME to SHARE Skopje 2019 (II Edition)

SHARE Forum is one of the essential networking platforms for the construction-related fields in Central and Eastern Europe. We bring together principal and senior architects from leading practices to discuss about their recently awarded projects from the greatest architectural competitions worldwide.

ABplus events, PROEVENT Association and Association of Architects of Macedonia are organizing on 19th February the second edition of SHARE Skopje International Architecture and Engineering Forum.

Mr. Martin Panovski, the President of Association of Architects of Macedonia and Mr. Florin Mindrigiu, Event Director and Founder of Pro Event Association will open this year’s edition.

Location:  Macedonian Philharmonic (Kej Dimitar Vlahov, Skopje 1000, Macedonia)
Date & Time: 19th February at 9:00 – 18:00
Special Guest: Fernando MENIS (Spain) – Founder at Menis Arquitectos
Audience: Everyone from the architectural field is welcome to attend our event. Tickets are already available on our website (see the link on the right).


International speakers from countries like Turkey, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain, Romania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Slovenia confirmed their presence to SHARE Skopje 2019.

We expect a big number of architects, landscape architects, designers, lighting designers, engineers, urbanists, real estate developers and from public institutions, architecture, and design students, companies with innovative solutions in the construction field, other professionals related to architecture field.

At the first edition, SHARE Skopje 2017 reunited +180 participants, +20 speakers, and guests from 9 countries: UK, Turkey, Austria, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Belgium, and Bulgaria.

This edition of SHARE Skopje 2019 will have 3 panels: Skopje Tomorrow – Large Scale Projects, Facades, and Special Guest lecture.

Meet our speakers!

Special Guest Architect – Fernando MENIS (Spain) – Founder at Menis Arquitectos
Architect, Professor at the European University of Canarias and Chairman of the Laboratory for Innovation in Architecture, Design and Advanced Tourism of Tenerife, he also participates as a jury member, director of workshops, lecturer at Harvard, Columbia New York, ESA Paris, TU Berlin, Akbild Vienna and speaker in Architecture Festivals and conferences in Switzerland, Australia, Singapore, South Africa, Croatia, Italy, Colombia, India, etc. Several times awarded in the Regional Awards for Architecture in The Canary Islands, as well as National and international winner and finalist in the FAD and WAF Awards (winner of two categories in 2012).

Arch. Mark SUTTON VANE (UK) – Principal at SUTTON VANE ASSOCIATES, one of the top 10 lighting architects worldwide, He designs lighting for retail, residential, commercial, historic, museum, hotel, and leisure projects.

Arch. Kerem YAZGAN (Turkey) – Founded in 2003 by Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan, both PhD. Architects, Yazgan Design Architecture Inc. is an architectural, interior, landscape and graphic design and construction firm based in Ankara, Turkey. With an experienced staff of 45 architects, landscape designers, technical draftsmen, graphic designers and IT experts, the company has signed on to many architectural, interior design and landscape projects. In the past 15 years, Yazgan Design Architecture has been published in 19 countries and has been awarded with 71 national and international design awards. With over 6.000.000 square meters in total projects located in both Turkey and a number of other countries, the portfolio of Yazgan Design Architecture continues to grow and diversify.

Igor DAVKOV (Macedonia) – CEO of Skopje East Gate. Economist with Ph.D. in General Banking and Finance, Chief Executive Officer of the company Skopje East Gate (SEG).
Skopje East Gate (SEG) is a company for developing and managing real estate. SEG is currently developing a mega-project of 420.000 sqm land in Skopje, with multiuse purpose containing Shopping Mall, Residences & Business Parks – named as EAST GATE.

Arch. Hui-Hsin LIAO (The Netherlands) – Architect and Senior Project Leader at MVRDV. She has been involved in national and international projects of various scales and scopes from competition phase through to the final design stage. Her experience covers a broad range of projects including research, exhibition, residential, museum, office and masterplan projects from competition to definitive design and is currently in charge of urban planning and building design projects.

Arch. Ali Osman ÖZTÜRK President (Macedonia) – Limak. Ali Osman Öztürk founded his own firm in 1997, A Tasarım Mimarlık, and completed many significant and prestigious projects. Throughout his career, he has had the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in the Chamber of Architects Turkey, Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice, METU Faculty of Architecture, and Arkitekt magazine. Ali Osman Öztürk, who also collaborates with well-known international architectural groups, continues his work in Ankara and Istanbul offices.

Arch. Martin HRISTOV (Bulgaria) – Founder & Director at E-ARCH Studio in Bulgaria. Graduated the First Language School in Varna. In 2001 he graduated from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia, specialty “Architecture”. His pre-graduate practice is in St. Victor la Costa – France, while the diploma specialization is in Florence, Italy. He is a member of the European Architecture Student Assembly – Manoel, Malta. Since 2001 he is the manager and chief architect of the E-ARH Architectural Bureau. Deputy Chairperson of the RC of CAB – Varna.

Arch. Tomaž KRIŠTOF (Slovenia) – President of the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia and Founder of Studio Kristof from Ljubljana. Since 2017, he has been a member of the managing board of the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia. His doctoral thesis is entitled “Architecture as deer antlers of the community” is research the way of societies and social groups represent themselves through architecture and the influence of this representing has upon architecture and architectural styles.

Arch. Bujar MUCHA (Macedonia) – Partner at Megaron Engineering Studio from Macedonia. Megaron Engineering is a designing company established in 1992 by the architect Bujar Mucha and architect Predrag Andonov. Megaron Engineering is the representative of the European leader factory for luminous productions – Zumtobel from Austria. Besides this, the company has realized many projects in the sphere of art.

Why SHARE Skopje 2019?
Because it has:
• A leading conference programme with outstanding architects who present their recent international awarded projects;
• An exclusive audience of active architects and contractors;
• Debates focus on local architectural issues;
• An exhibition of innovative architectural solutions, products, and services;
• A networking app that facilitates the communication and interaction with the attendees;

The SHARE Forum is expanded online through the communication platform between participants for 6 months.
SHARE Skopje 2019 International Architecture and Engineering Forum is an event organized by ProEvent Association in collaboration with the Association of Architects of Macedonia.