Повик за номинација на македонски проекти за наградата „European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2021″
04.05.2021 • Конкурси

Почитувани членови,
На наше огромно задоволство сакаме да ве известиме дека од оваа година ААМ е официјален партнер на „The Fundació Mies van der Rohe” од Барселона во процесот на организација на „European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2021″.
Република С.Македонија има право на 5 номинации кои ќе бидат дел од официјалната селекција. Процесот за избор на номинираните проекти ќе биде преку отворен повик каде сите членови на асоцијацијата ќе може да ги пријават своите проекти. Селекцијата ќе биде извршена од страна на жири составено од ААМ, а неговите членовите ќе бидат јавно објавени откако ќе заврши отворениот повик.
Ги очекуваме вашите проекти и ви посакуваме среќа во процесот кој следи!
OPEN CALL for projects > EU Mies Award
We invite all of our members to submit their projects for EU Mies Award 2021, for the national jury selection phase.
This biennial award recognizes and commends excellence in the field of architecture and draws attention to the important contribution of European professionals in the development of new ideas and technologies.
The Prize objectives aim at promoting quality and reflecting the complexity of architecture’s own significance in terms of social, cultural, constructional, technological, economic, and aesthetic achievements.
Architecture’s significance – linked with the construction market – has a social impact and transmits a cultural message. Quality therefore refers to universal values of generic buildings beyond their programmes: the concept rather than the formal values.
Europe is composed of an increasing number of common elements. However local traditions, histories, languages, landscapes and urban contexts continue to characterize its rich and composite identity. The Prize seeks to celebrate the diversity of European architectural expression, emphasizing architecture’s role as both a basis for the interchange of ideas as well as a unifying element that defines a common European culture by fostering transnational commissions; supporting emerging architects as they start out on their careers and the cultivation of responsible clients – both public and private – who are committed to building both the European economy and its culture through their commissions.
Works nominated for the Prize must follow these aims, submitting those built projects that improve the lives of citizens and that may become a permanent architectural reference to keep growing.
Prize Rules:
– works by national teams built in the Republic of North Macedonia
– works by national teams build in other European countries
– works must be build/finished between October 1, 2020 and
April 30, 2021.
Open call deadline: May 7, 2021
All applications should be consisted of:
– low resolution images of the drawings (floor-plans, sections)
– low resolution images of the building
– description of the project
– short CV of the authors
Applications and all related questions should be directed to the following e-mail: kontakt.aam@gmail.com
Со почит,
Асоцијација на Архитекти на Македонија